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Tuesday, 22 April 2008

22 April 08 - Getting better!

Weather: thin cloud with occasional sunny periods and very strong south to south-easterly wind in gave way to overcast, cooler and little wind from around mid-afternoon. Max. 20 C.

A distinct improvement on the migrant front today, but still no great numbers of migrant passerines. More Short-toed Eagles, Long-legged and Common Buzzards around today.

Today's highlights:

Sigri Fields - 1st sum male PALLID HARRIER, Lesser Kestrels 15+, Spotted Flycatcher 1.

Ipsilou - in extremely strong wind, MERLIN 1 (c. 7th record for island), Eleanora's Falcon 1, Wood Warbler 1, Pied Flycatcher 1.

Faneromeni area - lots of Alpine Swifts over, Pied Flycatcher 1, Spotted Flycatcher 2.

Maladia River Ford - Ortolan Bunting 1, Icterine Warbler 1, Pallid Swift 1, Wood Warbler 1, fem Sardinian Warbler, Great Reed Warbler 1, Long-legged Buzzard 2, Short-toed Eagle 3.

Skala Eresou river ford - Squacco Heron.

Makara - Chukar, lots of Alpine Swifts over, Black-headed Bunting 1, Northern Wheatear 3, flava Yellow Wagtail 11, thunbergi Yellow Wagtail 4, Chiffchaff 1.

Kalloni Saltpans season pool opposite entrance - Marsh Sandpiper 1, Spotted Redshank 2.

Kalloni Mini Soccer Pitch (Scops Copse) - Scops Owl 3. Directions forone bird: when in the copse, the fifth roadside eucalyptus tree from the entrance by the soccer pitch (tree marked by a chocolate choice plastic drink bottle at its base). The bird is by the trunk on the soccer pitch side c.10 up, and best looked for from the other entrance side of the tree.

Napi Valley - Ortolan Bunting 5.

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