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Friday, 25 April 2008

25 April - Cattle Egret and more Rollers

Cattle Egret between Kalloni Saltpans and Tsiknias River © Steve Dudley

Weather: cloudy with sunny periods with strong north-westerly wind. Max. temp 23 C.

Nr Tsiknias River Mouth - CATTLE EGRET, only the seventh in recent years, was the above summer plumaged adult found this evening.

Platania - BOOTED EAGLE 1, LANNER 1, OLIVE TREE WARBLER 1 still showing on and off.

Tsiknias River - ROLLER 1, Slender-billed Gull 2, Little Bittern 1.

Alykodi Pool - GREAT SNIPE 1.

Metochi Lake - Little Crake 4, Spotted Crake 1, Purple Heron 1, Bee-eater 20+.

Kalloni Saltpans - Gull-billed Tern, Spotted Crake 1 (on pool opp. Saltworksentrance), Sanderling 3, Curlew Sandpiper 30+, Marsh Sandpiper 1, Spotted Redshank 1, Ruff 60+, Red-throated Pipit 5 (around pool opp. saltworks entrance).

Polichnitos Saltpans - Little Stint 60+, Temminck's Stint 1, Curlew Sandpiper 12, Black Stork 1.

Achladeri - Kruper's Nuthatch very active around nest stump, Roller 1, Lesser Grey Shrike 1.

Skala Vasilikon - Bee-eater 22.

Alykes Wetlands - Tawny Pipit 1, Short-toed Lark 2.

Mesa - Garganey 3, Shoveler 7.

A number of Black Storks reported moving north throughout the day.

Great Snipe at Alykoudi Pool © Mark Powell

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