Otherwise, its been a relatively quiet day for passerine migrants with nothing of particular note reported. A few good raptors reported in the morning as the wind dropped overnight and we had only a nlight northerly and clear blue skies for the whole day.
Kalloni Saltpans - White-winged Black Tern 19, Whiskered Tern 1. Usual waders (fewer than yesterday though).
Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint (bandstand) - Goshawk 1 male, Short-toed Eagle 5+, Long-legged Buzzard 2.
Potamia - GOLDEN EAGLE 1 reported near Anetomia.
Kalloni Mini Soccer Pitch (Scops Copse) - Scops Owl, still in fifth roadside tree from right hand entrance/exit.
Fields around Kalloni Saltpans (inc. flooded fields opp. saltoworks entrance) - PALLID HARRIER 1 fem enjoyed by many birders this evening. Glossy Ibis 70+, Purple Heron 2, Great White Egret 3, Garganey 3, White Stork 1, Common Snipe 1, Marsh Harrier 5+, Montagu's Harrier 3+.
Kavaki (nr Petra) - Eleanora's Falcon 1 dark bird, Ruppell's Warbler 3+ males seen today bewteen layby by disco and upper layby, Orphean Warblers 5+, Blue Rock Thrush. Chukar.
Petra Reservoir - now full again after repairs over the winter. Bee-eater 100+, Ruddy Shelduck 2, Tree Pipit 1 (one of few migrants seen on north coast today).
Eftalou to Skala Sikaminias - very quiet. Black-headed Bunting 1, lots of Turtle Doves, a few Whinchat then no other migrants apart form breeding birds. Very few Cretzcshmar's Buntings. Long-legged Buzzard 1.
Skala Kallonis Pool - Great Bittern 1, Garganey 4.
Tsiknias River - Citrine Wagtail 1.
Metochi Lake - Little Bittern 5, Little Crake 4, Short-toed Eagle 7+.
Polichnitos Saltpans - Great Snipe 1, Citrine Wagtail 1, Tawny Pipit 2.
Meladia Valley - Great Spotted Cuckoo (nr chapel nr ford), Collared Flycatcher 1.
Possibly more news to follow for today as most birders avoiding the hotel tonight due to a big, fat, Greek wedding party going on to the wee hours! Check back for more news from today, tomorrow night.
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